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The city buzz sounds just like a fridge, I walk the streets through seven bars.


111 209 314



aidi alanna andrea arivan audrey bernice bong bryan seethor caethrin changrui changrui's tagbox chengjing cherylFOO cherylGATOT chrisanda denisetham deniselim desiree dillen diane elainetay esther graceang graceang[2] gerald hilary huayang huijie huimin isabelle jan janet janne jean jenn jermaine jesmond jiaen jieru jinghanLAU jinghanONG jingting jinyin joey joie joshua june jodyhong kai'en kelly kevinchan krystal lanabel laura leevoon liting lynn maggie marissa nadia natalie wee nicholette one-eleven<3 peiyin priscilla pristine rachelANG rachelLIM rachelLIM[2] rain samantha halim shawna shaowei S & S sherry shiren shiyin shiyin [2] stacylian stacyyoung thepigs tingfang vanessa victoria vivian wang ye wanqi waye wenyuan willa xiaotong xinyang yihui yingxin yirong yuan jun yunan yuqing

Layout: Sheryl F.
Resources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lyrics from: Gavin Rossdale- Love Remains The Same
Monday, June 29, 2009 11:28 PM

so I guess I won't update here for awhile?
I'll post here instead

Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:38 PM

nut, banana, choc chip cake and it's the favorite among the 5 or 6 I've baked by myself.
did I mention that I LOVE CREAM CHEESE ICING?

but this I think is the most successful after the banana nut choc chip one, or maybe on par. it was so addictive oh I LOVE CHOCOLATE CAKES too.

oh and this is the watercolor painting I did recently, it's abit warped and screwy I know I suck at human faces. But this one means alot for a variety of reasons which I won't bother elaborating on. credits to a chanel ad :D

HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY JODYHONG. bowling would be so different without you and much love!

Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:35 PM

I THINK I'M QUITE HAPPY WITH MY HOLIDAYS SO FAR. and hssrp report is submitted all the months of work is almost over now. actually, I think it's more like 2 months of work squeezed together. Ate double dinner today! swensens with zhihui then the normal dinner at home which was lasagna. I seriously need to start on work but I don't feel like it at all. been going out quite alot and doing alot of things. on tuesday I'll meet some people that I haven't seen for 6 years I wonder what that'd be like! but I guess the feeling of rebonding with old old friends is great. there was a day when I was reading through the stuff that peichun friends gave me when I left that place for nanyang. sometimes I wonder whether I'd be any different if I'd stay on. I think I would be VERY different, not that that's a bad thing. I think there was this girl called Jie'r and I always thought her name was quite cool and she was so angelically pretty we did prefect duty together. can you believe it I was a prefect. and our duty was to stand outside at the gate and book people and for the first 2 months I didn't know I had to do duty so I didn't go. then one day I saw her and the rest of the gateduty prefects standing around and I went to ask her if this was what we're supposed to do. then I was so extra but they were friendly and it became a highlight of the day to just stand around with them and talk and be able to stand outside in the wind for the whole morning and do rubbish. on my last day of school in peichun she was so sweet I think she gave me a letter with her address and number and all that to keep in touch plus she did some souvenir thing I think it was made of colorful string and stuff. It's probably hidden somewhere in the cupboard. and yet we've lost touch I don't even know which school she's in now. I think it's kind of sad that people just pass us by like that. but that's okay cos we meet new people and they're awesome too. like you reading this you're awesome:D

I'M GOING TO TRY AND POST THE PHOTOS IN A SEPARATE POST COS IT'S TAKING SO LONG AND MAYBE IT WORKS WHEN THERE'S LESS WORDS? who am I kidding. but someone is nagging for me to post so here goes.

the thing is, no matter how many compliments people give me about art, it doesn't really sink into me because what matters for me, really, is whether i like it or not. whether i get swayed by it, or sucked into it, or just basically can't stop thinking/dreaming/looking at it. and that never really happens. and on a side note, i guess i'm guilty of wanting to feel like i do great artworks with little effort, so even if i like something but i spent alot of time on it, too much time, then i won't be satisfied either. of course, the first criteria matters alot more. and so i'd been thinking, whenever i hold that pencil above the paper and feel this empty void which tells me i can envision what i want to draw, but i can't put it onto the paper, why is that? am i just not confident enough, or shaky, or basically just not
there yet? most of the time i settle on the third option. but then, when will i ever satisfy myself. and yet, i really don't think i have very high expectations. so sometimes it scares me to want to do an art-related career. i mean, laugh all you want but what if i am really not going to get there, ever? then everyday spent on my job will be a day of emptiness, and i'll never stop being envious of my colleagues who can do so much better than me. and soon i'd grow to hate it, and that'd suck. but at the end of it all, whenever i look at my old art pieces, there's evidence of progress everywhere. and maybe, just maybe, the progress will continue. and if i stay on this long enough, i will progress till i get there? and it's just a matter of time? but sometimes we can never be too sure. (on an unrelated note, this is the perfect moment to say 'LIFE'S A CLIMB, BUT THE VIEW'S GREAT') and above all, where's there anyway? or maybe the more important answer that i want to know is, when's there?

Friday, June 19, 2009 12:18 PM


good morning. I've decided to take a break from hssrp but I'll go back there soon. The one thing it's changed in me is that I do every single survey I receive now, 'cos I understand the pain of surveys. The bad thing is that now our survey has such a skewed ratio. A GREAT BIG THANKYOU to the people I troubled last night to help me on this though. and also great thanks to you if you did the survey :D I can't wait for 22 June to come so that I can say bye to hssrp for um. a week?:D

Met shawna yesterday at starbucks (again) and I did hssrp report while she did her chinese. And then even though we didn't do much we ended up watching hannah montana:D It's actually quite funny and there was this weirdo aunty nearby laughing so loudly it was embarassing. But then again, I'm just assuming she's an aunty I didn't actually get to see who she was, but it was an aunty-kind-of-laugh. and I ate subway after so long I've missed it quite alot. That's the one bad thing that school ending has caused!

The day before I went to school to make swimathon souvenirs! DISASTER I tell you I'm so irritated that the whole thing was my idea and now it's so hard to do, let alone do nicely. AH WELL. nobody cares about souvenirs anyway right? at least our sportsfest ones will be nicer, hopefully!

I wish I didn't join the tofu art competition crap it's like coloring so silly and now I have to waste time filling up colours on photoshop ah faints. oh and I have ran 5 times over the past 1andahalf weeks but I didn't run for the last 2 days cos I came home too late. I WILL RUN TODAY. sad to say, my level of enjoyment in running hasn't increased at all. I like doing invisible chair.

hmmm back to hssrp then! goodbye loves:D

Monday, June 15, 2009 10:34 PM

And I'll post this here once again. In case you haven't already done it, PLEASE DO thankyouverymuchiwillloveyouforever:D

Dear everyone,

We are Tan Ying Xin and Yap Zhi Wen from Raffles Girls' School (Secondary), and are currently involved in the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Program (HSSRP). This program is designed for pupils interested in Humanities and Social Sciences to further their interest via research. As such, we are working on a project regarding the Consumption Behavior of Music among Youths in Singapore.

We may have approached you to complete a preliminary survey awhile ago. Rest assured that this is a different (intermediate) survey.

It would be of much help to us if you could spare a few minutes of your time to complete the following survey. The 6 links below will lead you to the same survey. There are 6 different links as there is a maximum number of respondents for each survey. Hence, if one link does not work, please try the other five. We apologize for any inconvenience.

To facilitate analysis, we need males and females to complete the surveys at different links.

Hence, if you are FEMALE, please use the one of the following 3 links:

If you are MALE, please use one of these 3 links instead:

Please rest assured that both answers and personal particulars provided will be used only for research purposes and kept strictly confidential. If you have any queries, you could e-mail us at the following addresses below.

Yours sincerely,
Zhiwen (winterbreak94@hotmail.com)
Ying Xin (yingxin694@hotmail.com)

12:18 AM

Went for a run today. It's my 4th run in a week so I guess I'm on my way to becoming healthy and fit and what not. Maybe it lengthens my lifespan by a day per run? I love how I feel after running, I just hate the feeling while running. But maybe if I do this again and again and persevere one day I'll like the feeling of the entire proccess.

and I drank a cup of iced water which my mom says it's bad cos it destroys your organs or whatever cos you're drenching your internal stuff which are hot after your run with something cold? I think it doesn't make sense, but iced water tastes so much better after a run so I still like it:D

Nick and Zoe's family came today. So I gave them my cake and my mom's apple crumble and stuff and they sat and talked. hahaha I think I'm the most at ease with their family it's incredible. I wonder what it'll be like to have nick as my classmate/schoolmate in RI(JC).
dejavu maybe?

I baked today, and this is my favorite cake of the 4 I've done :D banana, nut and chocolate chip cake. Will upload pictures some other time, along with my watercolor painting! I've started a new sketchbook. It's almost like a picture diary, except that most of the words inside aren't mine. They're lyrics and quotes I identify with or funny things I hear or just random thoughts. But I think I'll look at it many years from now and really know what I was like as a 15 year old. I'll keep this one private. into my drawer it goes:D

Went to explore CLARKE QUAY with rain huimin and maria yesterday. But we ended up going back to plaza sing to watch ghost of girlfriend's past in the end! Clarke Quay is very pretty such a birst of vibrant colors I should go there and paint the scenes one day. It's quite a nice place! and I liked the movie it was so stupidly funny and we didn't eat popcorn! WHICH IS GOOD. because everytime I buy popcorn I leave half the container there and I feel all queasy and bloated with popcorn after the movie and I swear never to buy it again but in the end I still will. NACHOS are much better.

Yingx and I went for the YOG thing! it's probably going to be my last time going to that pale pink building aw man. Was quite pathetic for the thing we did but Bob was very good he's a sure-in I think. Hmm bet they counted that as well and my original video clip was bad too! ah well nevermind I wouldn't really mind not getting in it's not that important anyway right? It'll just be somewhat fun if I do, but otherwise, there's lots of other things to do

like souvenirs and sticking/cutting magazines and running and baking and hssrp
speaking of which, I have so much to do. Is there a dummy's guide to getting started on PTs?

and even forever don't seem like long enough :D

Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:27 PM

The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. -Quentin Crisp

Is this maybe the answer to hssrp! I get lost in my own musings and i get so confused. I feel like eating chocolate cake. I'm gradually starting to like running I feel good after a run. I wonder why rainbows are supposed to be happy when it looks like a frown. I really don't know why I'm ranting. I hate the roughness of my hair and I wish it was longer. I'm glad interviews are over and I can go back to being 'zhiwen'. I like reading quotes. I have a new inspiration.

let's just spin instead of think

Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:45 PM

Oh, clouds of time
Seem to rain on
Innocence left behind
And it never goes away
It never goes away

Don’t waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away

9:18 PM

OKAY SHAWNA I WILL POST. hahhaha today was a tiring day!
I went shopping with my mom for the first time in eons. Bought 2 tops, a dress and a pair of not-very-high heels. Must say it was pretty alright except once again I feel the pains of being someone with big feet. They never have my size! Okay I still feel this desperate need for more clothes but I'm being a discontented kid.

Studied with Shawna at STARBUCKS on Saturday! ooh so many 'S'es. We were going to go to The Cathay then my mom reminded me that Singapore Idol had auditions on that day. Heh so we went to Wisma instead. But on the bus ride I kept suspecting that some people on the bus were going to audition. This girl really looked like she was singer-type. studying was very productive, it's the first time I'm so productive outside! Especially compared to all the other times I studied with Shawna. Remember when we ended up playing Neopets instead! :D

My lips are seriously cracking I woke up today to find it all white and peeling scared me when I looked into the mirror! Oh I finally did some art yesterday, just one watercolor painting. Frankly it's quite failed, but a good start I guess? Hopefully I'll finally start on more and build up the momentum!

Been doing HSSRP online interviews these few nights. IF YOU WANT TO BE INTERVIEWED PLEASE TELL ME! we need more people:D They are so confusing and stressful I cannot think on the spot for nuts. okay goodbye world happy holidaaaays